"We started with TeleBill in 2004 not really understanding much about the Telco Business world. They were very helpful in setting some of our business rules and practices. They remain today our greatest knowledge asset that we have. Paul has assembled a great team of people around him which has made TeleBill the success it has become today."
-Ben Plikerd, U4
"Precise and accurate invoicing is one of the most important aspects of any Telecom company. I rely on TeleBill to uphold the level of quality and frontline image of MASS Communications. TeleBill has been an outstanding business partner, working with us every step of the way. TeleBill has been extremely responsive to our needs and has given us the opportunity to invoice with pinpoint accuracy. Their flexibility, scalability and array of services are exactly what we need to run a successful organization."
-Darren R. Mass, CEO, MASSCOMM